Sign Up Manifesto

  • No self-censorship or vested interests. We question our own and others’ preconceived notions, and do not ignore facts that undermine weeks or months of work on the story or investigation;
  • We are not part of news journalism; we are not wasting readers’ time - we only speak up when we have something to say;
  • Everything we write is shared – take it and spread it. This allows you to make use of our published material non-commercially. All we ask is that you inform us and cite us as a source, and make no alterations without our prior consent. We share because we believe that journalism can change the world for the better. But we understand that we are just an inspiration for change. It is not our role to create it.
  • We publish information only after it has been confirmed by two reliable sources;
  • Our headlines are not charades or riddles. Because our audience is thoughtful and doesn’t deserve cheap manipulation. Here, the reader’s attention is not a product.
  • We do not only rely on anonymous sources - we are transparent and we want our readers to know how the editorial material reaches our newsroom. We guarantee the confidentiality of sources whose freedom, life, security or dignity may be at risk. We ensure that in these cases they are not disclosed to any interested parties. We assess the potential negative impact on sources from vulnerable groups in society before publishing stories or investigations, especially when the sources do not understand or know how to exercise their rights and freedoms. We discuss confidentiality terms with sources BEFORE the interview, not AFTER it. Recognizing the need to ensure the anonymity of sources, we insist that the reader has the right to know as much as possible about the circumstances in which the information was received - therefore we disclose as much as possible without compromising the source itself. We do not pay for information;
  • We value readers’ contributions to our team’s work. We will endeavour to take up issues they consider need to be investigated;
  • We don’t write sponsored articles - it’s not journalism and definitely not an engaged journalism. We do not accept stakeholder funding to expose specific issues;
  • Financial sponsors do not determine our choice of topics. The editorial board may, by collective decision, refuse to accept funding from certain sources;
  • We investigate material about the activities of individuals and institutions that often undermine the interests of society. We reject any incitement to hostility and hatred on the grounds of nationality, race, mental health, gender, or any other social status
  • Our sources have no editorial control over the content. To ensure accuracy, excerpts from interviews or individual quotations used in the text may be checked with sources prior to publication, without any obligation to correct them according to the wishes of the interviewees. We are each other’s editors. However, we carefully investigate complaints and claims - we care what our audience thinks. We correct our mistakes. You make us better.
  • The essential principles of our journalists work correspond to the content and spirit of the Lithuanian Code of Ethics for Journalists and Publishers
  • We have an independent Readers’ Editor (ombudsman) who is your representative with us. You have the opportunity to contact him if you think that the work of journalists goes beyond the principles of ethics and quality journalism declared here. We strive to ensure that the Readers’ Editor’s answers to your inquiries are always public.
  • Our readers are our community. We are united by the desire to grow and develop Lithuanian journalism together.
  • We understand the importance of remaining transparent and accountable when building relationships based on trust. So, we publish the present our teams declarations of interest and experience of our team members . We pay special attention to the code of ethics and tracking the impact of issues.
  • We believe that community-empowered journalism is the future.